Woman, Why Do You Weep?

I weep because gross darkness covers the whole earth. I weep because daughters bear the burden of the sins of their fathers. I weep because women are often harmed at the hands of unrighteous men and everyone suffers for it. I weep for women.

And yet.

mary at the tombIt is no accident that a woman was first witness to the resurrected Lord. Like everything else he did, it was his choice. His first declaration of freedom, new life, and hope for a fallen world was made to a woman. And with his question, he answered the eternal why, when and how to end all our suffering.

Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed, so tired and hopeless, so utterly alone in grief, like Mary, it takes a while before I recognize that voice . . .

Dear woman, why do you weep? Whom do you seek?

He is risen indeed.



Melody earns a living as a registered nurse, grows a respectable garden, and writes when she's not building sheet forts with her grandkids. Her poetry has appeared in on-line journals, Segullah, Irreantum and small press along the Wasatch Front.

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10 Responses

  1. Susan M Hinckley says:

    Lovely. Thank you.

  2. Michelle Snow says:

    Written beautifully, as always.

  3. Jenny says:


  4. CS Eric says:

    I’m not sure why, but that second question, “Whom do you seek?” hit me hard when I just read it. It is that seeking that that gives the tears meaning.

  5. Caroline says:

    Beautiful, Melody.

  6. Emma J says:

    Whom do you seek–that’s the question that matters isn’t it?

  7. EmilyCC says:

    An Easter sermon, beautiful in its simplicity. Thank you, my friend.

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