Write for Exponent II and win a writer’s workshop in Ireland!

Exponent II is incredibly excited to announce a new prize for the winner of 2015 Mormon midrash short story contest. Sue Booth-Forbes, former editor of Exponent II, is sponsoring a week-long spot at her writer’s retreat in Ireland. Dates are flexible so that they can be adapted to the needs of the winner’s schedule. Exponent II will contribute $150 to transportation.

High on a hillside between Coulagh Bay and Mishkish on the Kealincha River awaits Anam Cara, a tranquil spot set apart to nurture and to provide sanctuary for novice as well as experienced people working in the creative arts. Whether you retreat to work on your own project or as part of a workshop group, you will find support, creature comforts, and peace – all you need to do your best work. An all-inclusive residential retreat, Anam Cara offers private and common working rooms and five acres of walking paths, quiet nooks and crannies, gardens, and meadows. You can read more about the Anam Cara retreat center here.

You can read more about the short story contest here. Good luck and happy writing!

anam cara

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4 Responses

  1. Spunky says:

    What a treat! Is there a runner-up prize for those of us where the airfare will cost us a good ten times $150 (thus making the grand prize unattainable and unredeemable)?

    • MargaretOH says:

      Thanks for asking. If the winner is unable or unwilling to redeem the retreat spot, she can have the original $150.

  2. EmilyCC says:

    So exciting (and generous of Sue)!

  1. September 27, 2015

    […] Write for Exponent II and win a writer’s workshop in Ireland! […]

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