Year in Review 2014

Who’s excited for a new beginning this week? I know I am. But before we start a new year, I know you all want to read the best posts from 2014!

This was a great year for the magazine- our 40th anniversary! Our speaker series started off in Provo, UT, with Emma Lou Thayne, whom we will miss, and hit Washington DC with Claudia Bushman, Berkeley, CA with Carol Lynn Pearson, and finally back to the Exponent’s original state of Massachusetts with Laurel Thatcher Ulrich.

Cambridge Speaker Series

For the magazine, the Winter 2014 issue was the last one available in full as pdf on our site. You can see a teaser for the very popular Spring 2014 on Mormon Women and the Priesthood here, and from here on out, there are digital and print subscriptions. Read about them here and subscribe to get the Exponent II on your digital device!

On the blog, we have welcomed many new bloggers: LizEast River Lady, Jess R, Jenny, Cruelest Month, AmyViola Diva, and Pandora! Wow. We’ve are also grateful to Amanda, who is now translating our Relief Society and YW lesson plans into French. Merci!

This year started off with our Birth/Rebirth Series. We also hosted our International Series this past fall and our Christmas Series in November/December. Whew! It’s been a great year!

And now all the posts you should check out!


2014 posts with the greatest number of clicks

5. “They Just Don’t Understand” by Amy

4. Shepherds and Wise Men Guest Post by Karen

3. But What if Everyone Has Sex? by April Young Bennett

2. Five More LDS Church Discipline Policies that Affect Women Unequally by April Young Bennett

1. Church Discipline: Women Disciplined by Men by April Young Bennett


2014 posts most commented on

5. Guest Post: Ignoring Logic and the Misrepresentation of Ordain Women by LoriAnn

4. Church Discipline: Women Disciplined by Men by April Young Bennett

3. On the Subject of My Highest and Holiest Calling by Libby

2. Walking With Ordain Women… And the Church by Suzette

1. Rejected Offerings by April Young Bennett


Top 5 Search Terms for Finding Us 2014

5. relief society lesosns

4. mother’s day hymns

3. exponent ii blog

2. the exponent

1. airplane

Move over, Uchtdorf!


Happy New Year! And because we know you can’t get enough of the Exponent, follow us on Twitter and on Pinterest, too! And in keeping up with the digital age, this year the Exponent blog got an Instagram account. You can follow our Instagram here! We’ve also revived our Facebook presence. Our FB page is here and our discussion group is here. Maybe we’ll hit 1000 “likes” in 2015.

Do you have a favorite post form this year? I’m a particular fan of Cruelest Month’s Neckties post. Share your favorites in the comments!


TopHat is putting her roots down in the Bay Area with her husband and three children. She loves the earth, yarn, and bicycling.

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4 Responses

  1. Patty says:

    “What Women in the Church Have Lost in My Lifetime” from last winter’s issue. I am 65 and it really spoke to me. I remember most of what she talks about.

  2. spunky says:

    Thank you, tophat! I love this list!!!!!

  3. Suzette says:

    Thanks for doing this. I know it’s not an easy task.

    But as one who’s trying to catch up on 2014 posts and commit to staying on top of the 25th – I’m grateful.

  4. EmilyCC says:

    This is wonderful, TopHat! Thank you for taking the time to put it together!

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